What is the Appearance and Hazard of Cyclohexene?

3 min readAug 25, 2022



Cyclohexene is a hydrocarbon that is obtained from benzene hydrogenation. Its chemical formula is C6H10, with Cyclohexene CAS 110–83–8 (CAS number).

Cyclohexene is a derivative of cyclohexane. The difference is in the bond; Cyclohexene has one double bond, while cyclohexane has no double bonds. All alkenes have a double bond between two carbons; therefore, it is an organic compound containing hydrogen and carbon, making it a hydrocarbon-alkene.

Cyclohexene is used as an intermediate in the industrial manufacture of adipic acid, malic acid, tetrahydrobenzoic acid, and oil extortion. It is a reactive cycloaliphatic alkene that serves as a fundamental building block for a variety of industries thanks to the functionality of the double bond, which enables the application of a variety of chemistries and the synthesis of downstream intermediates and products like epoxide and diol, among other useful downstream products.

Vaporized Cyclohexene is present in the environment, and manufacturing facilities discharge it as waste streams.

The Appearance of Cyclohexene

Because it produces peroxides when stored for an extended period of time with exposure to light and air, Cyclohexene is not very stable. Cyclohexene is a volatile, colorless liquid with a strong, sharp, distinctive odor. The odor threshold of Cyclohexene = 0.18ppm to 0.36ppm. It has a precise mass of 82.078250319 and a molecular weight of 82.14. Due to its insoluble nature and lower density than water, it floats on water instead of sinking or blending in. The flashpoint of Cyclohexene is 20 °F.

Hazards of Cyclohexene

The odor threshold of Cyclohexene varies greatly; therefore, potentially hazardous exposures should not be determined by odor alone

There are two main Cyclohexene hazards:

● Fire Hazards

Cyclohexene is highly flammable. It is easily ignited by flames, heat, or sparks and may be lit in practically any ambient temperature situation. With air, vapors can create explosive combinations. Most vapors are heavier than air. They will spread along the ground and gather in low or constrained places (basements, sewers, tanks).

Vapors could cause suffocation or dizziness. Also, pollution may result from runoff from fire suppression or water dilution.

● Health Hazards

It could be harmful if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Cyclohexene can irritate or burn the skin and eyes when inhaled or come into touch with them.

Following exposure to Cyclohexene, the following short-term health consequences could occur immediately or shortly after:

● Cyclohexene may affect the nervous system

● Cyclohexene inhalation may irritate the nose and throat

● Prolonged or repeated contact may result in a skin rash, dryness, and redness

● High exposure to Cyclohexene may result in dizziness, lightheadedness, and difficulty with muscle coordination. Higher doses can result in unconsciousness, collapse, and tremors (shakes).

First Aid Treatment in Case of Contact

Immediately you or someone comes in contact with Cyclohexene, carry out the following first aid treatment before seeking immediate medical attention:

● Eye contact

Lift upper and lower eyelids and immediately rinse eyes with a lot of water for at least 15 minutes. While rinsing, remove any contact lenses you may be wearing.

● Skin contact

Take off any contaminated clothes right away. Immediately wash the skin for at least 15 minutes with lots of soap and water.

● Inhalation

Bring the person to a place with fresh air after removing them from the exposure. If breathing has ceased, start rescue breathing; if the heartbeat has stopped, start CPR. Transfer right away to a hospital

● Aspiration hazard

Use cold water to rinse the mouth. Give the victim a mixture of 8 ounces of water and 1–2 tbsp of activated charcoal.

● Ingestion

Immediately call Poison Control.

Handling and Storage

Follow the instructions of the Cyclohexene manufacturer when handling and storing Cyclohexene:

● Handling

Use the appropriate ventilation and do not breathe dust or vapor. Avoid it coming in contact with eyes, skin, or clothing. After handling, thoroughly wash your hands.

● Storage

Store in a flammable area with other flammable products and away from any potent oxidizers. Keep away from incompatible materials in a cold, dry, well-ventilated, lockable storage area.

Need a Cyclohexene Supplier?

Metadynea manufactures and supplies Cyclohexene in the highest purity. If you are in need of a cyclohexene supplier, then contact us today.




Written by Metadynea


Metadynea Austria GmbH was founded in 1948 and was well known as „Krems Chemie“ for more than 50 years.”

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